Tuesday, November 30, 2021

Safe place, no judgement.

   "Inequality begins in childhood: The United States is underfunding our public schools by nearly $150 billion annually, robbing millions of children—predominantly minority and low-income children—of the opportunity to succeed." (The Century Foundation.) Children who come from poverty begin a life of inequality, but why must school also begin to judge them? As children we see no difference from right and wrong we go to school for those educational purposes. We learn in school to not judge others, that different is okay that bullying is wrong. 

   This is where adults and those who fund schools should see the hypocrisy. For some students schools are their safe places, being so judging them gives them a sense of unworthy. Children must not fight for the best education we as the adults should fight for the children. We must fight for all children, they deserve to achieve greatness and succeed in life. Education is one of the most important aspects of our lives, from education we turn weakness into strength.  
               Inequity in public education is not a natural occurrence, but rather the result of funding choices. "Underfunding education doesn’t just leave the most vulnerable children ill-prepared for the world, it makes the world a crueler and more divided place to grow up in." (How Unequal School Funding Punishes Poor Kids We must give all children an equal stance in the world. Education opens the door to new opportunities, it gives students a way out of their homes and a way into their own lives.  Education leads many to greatness, children should have the choice whether to continue education and if they get the proper education they can obtain scholarships that can allow them to continue education. 
Overall, we must work for a change together as a team. We must understand one another and have empathy while doing so. As we come together we can make a change. Seek First to Understand, Then to Be Understood, by incorporating this into our lives we are able to see and understand those who need help. "Arizona ranks dead last, and inadequate funding is at the root of the state’s severe teacher shortage and lackluster student achievement.” This blog will be dedicated to bringing to light this problem in AZ communities, for parents and the districts and help create ways on how we can help as a community to bring more funds for those AZ low income schools. 


How Unequal School Funding Punishes Poor Kids. (2018, May 14). The Nation. https://www.thenation.com/article/archive/how-unequal-school-funding-punishes-poor-kids/

The Century Foundation. (2020, July 22). Closing America’s Education Funding Gaps. https://tcf.org/content/report/closing-americas-education-funding/?session=1

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Safe place, no judgement.

     " Inequality begins in childhood: The United States is underfunding our public schools by nearly $150 billion annually, robbing mi...