"Studies show that students of poverty have a higher rate of absenteeism. They are seven times more likely to drop out of school altogether than their higher-income peers because they have to work or care for family members." (Callahan, S.) Students who drop out of school do it to help their own families but who is helping those students? That where we can help! We as the people can work together to help keep students in school by getting equal funding for those who come from low income district. We must learn to value the importance of other's peoples opinions, the value of compromising. Once we have valued these things we will work great together for the cause of Equal funding for low income schools. Without synergy we cannot move forward, because synergy is what keep us humble and communicating. Arizona has come a long way but we must continue to fight and push and get all kids the equal opportunities the all deserve no matter, race, values and beliefs.
The need to make the world a better tomorrow for the children starts here. We need to acknowledge that not everyone gets equal education. By acknowledging that we can begin to communication and from communicating we need to work together to form a solution where we can all win. We need to work with synergy into the movement to have the best outcome that allows everyone to share and everyone to compromise together for a better tomorrow, for a better future for all children.
Overall, we must work for a change together as a team. We must understand one another and have empathy while doing so. As we come together we can make a change. Seek First to Understand, Then to Be Understood, by incorporating this into our lives we are able to see and understand those who need help. "Arizona ranks dead last, and inadequate funding is at the root of the state’s severe teacher shortage and lackluster student achievement.” This blog will be dedicated to bringing to light this problem in AZ communities, for parents and the districts and help create ways on how we can help as a community to bring more funds for those AZ low income schools.
Callahan, S. (2021, February 3). Children’s Education and Poverty. Children Incorporated. https://childrenincorporated.org/childrens-education-and-poverty/#:%7E:text=%E2%80%93%20Poverty%E2%80%99s%20effects%20on%20the%20psychological%20and%20emotional,have%20to%20work%20or%20care%20for%20family%20members
A Quality Approach to School Funding. (2018, November 13). Center for American Progress. https://www.americanprogress.org/article/quality-approach-school-funding/