Why is equal funding important? School funding issues are a major problem with direct links to student achievement levels. Schools with smaller budgets, which often can’t offer small classes and better programs, see lower student achievement, creating a socioeconomic in education."Students in high-poverty communities continue to have less access to core academic services that increase student outcomes." A Quality Approach to School Funding.) By seeking first to understand we are able incorporate the teachers, students, and those who are affected by low income funding.Funding is considered the central component that provides students with a high-quality education and often leads to improved outcomes if children attend well funded schools. Children that attend schools that are underfunded are effected with classes that have a high teacher to student ratio. Teachers also get affected with having to pay out of pocket with supplies they need and they take home work vs taking time for themselves. We need to come into the realization that school funding is important. Being able to supply children with equal education gives them all a fighting chance and helps them achieve their academic potential.
Being able to find those who are a role in school funding and reaching out to them for a change is one step close to being able to reach our goal in changing inequality. The districts, states, and the federal government play crucial roles in equity. (A Quality Approach to School Funding.) Those who play a role in our education inequalities are the the local, state, and federal role. Money does matter for students achievements. Being able to incorporate the importance of funding to those who have a role in funding schools .
Overall, we must work for a change together as a team. We must understand one another and have empathy while doing so. As we come together we can make a change. Seek First to Understand, Then to Be Understood, by incorporating this into our lives we are able to see and understand those who need help. "Arizona ranks dead last, and inadequate funding is at the root of the state’s severe teacher shortage and lackluster student achievement.” This blog will be dedicated to bringing to light this problem in AZ communities, for parents and the districts and help create ways on how we can help as a community to bring more funds for those AZ low income schools.
ReferenceA Quality Approach to School Funding. (2018, November 13). Center for American Progress. https://www.americanprogress.org/article/quality-approach-school-funding/
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